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The effects of GHB are particularly noticeable and distinct from other common drug effects, whether people are currently on the drug or affected by its aftereffects. It’s also important to stay in mind that prescribed drugs, including GHB prescribed for narcolepsy or another illness, are often abused a bit like any illicit drug. Taking quite prescribed or using dishonest means to get a prescription that isn’t needed is additionally considered to be substance abuse
As a drug of abuse, GHB use can cause overdose and death if an excessive amount of is taken or if it’s mixed with other central systema nervosum depressants like alcohol. Though studies on addiction to GHB are inconclusive, heavy users often report experiencing withdrawal symptoms when intake stops.
Consult Dr Pawan Rathi for ghb addiction treatment in Indore at Dr Rathi’s Rehab Center. Call now: +91-7804087788 or drop us an email at drpawanrathi@gmail.com