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Ecstasy and Molly promote a sense of well-being, happiness, and friendliness. These drugs enhance the user’s sense of sight, sound, smell, and touch. Ecstasy and Molly are common at dance clubs and raves, places where the user can cash in of their heightened sensations.
Recognizing an addiction to Ecstasy is often difficult because the drug lacks obvious withdrawal symptoms and is usually used among children in social settings. Regardless, continued use of Ecstasy can cause psychological and physical dependence. When someone is hooked on Ecstasy, they’re going to still use the drug despite knowing the results. Even when Ecstasy isn’t the sole drug causing dependence, it is often a bit of a multi-drug patchwork of addiction.
Overdosing on Ecstasy means taking quite the recreational dose. Ecstasy overdose can cause seizures, foaming at the mouth, and a spike in blood heat. This will cause heatstroke or aggravate an underlying heart disease, both of which may convince be fatal. convert it today. Say hugs not drugs.
Consult Dr Pawan Rathi for ecstasy addiction treatment in Indore at Dr Rathi’s Rehab Center. Call now: +91-7804087788 or drop us an email at drpawanrathi@gmail.com