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Cricket Betting addiction is described as a progressive addiction therein is an impulse-control disorder, meaning the victim often has an inability to fight the impulse and always succumbs to the pressure to gamble. While it can easily affect people of all genders and ages, it’s been found that cricket betting addiction is more prevalent in men than in women in India.
Cricket-betting addicts often fall into the category of problem gamblers, meaning they take unnecessary risks in the hopes of winning big on cricket games. you recognize it’s time to prevent when you’re spending more and more hebdomadally, you begin using money that ought to be for food and other necessities, you’re spending all of some time on gambling platforms, otherwise, you can’t watch a cricket game without placing a bet. Before you recognize it, you’ll be strong enough to say no to cricket betting. You’ll be ready to watch cricket games without betting and dare to avoid placing bets even when those around you are. It starts with admitting you’ve got a drag, once you admit this, you’re already halfway there.
Consult Dr Pawan Rathi for cricket betting addiction treatment in Indore at Dr Rathi’s Rehab Center. Call now: +91-7804087788 or drop us an email at drpawanrathi@gmail.com