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Remember, if you’re trying to quit, you ought to plan for and check out to avoid relapse. But if you are relapsing, you ought to accept that it’s a traditional part of quitting and resolve to find out from the experience.
Relapse may be a hallmark of addiction. It’s common, even expected, that folks who are trying to beat addiction will undergo one or maybe several relapses before successfully quitting.
Despite the very fact that relapse may be a well-recognized aspect of recovery from an addiction, many of us attempting to quit an addiction will feel we need to fail if we relapse. they could abandon their efforts, feeling that quitting is just too difficult for them. Even some treatment programs take a tough line on participants who relapse.
Consult Dr Pawan Rathi for relapse treatment in Indore at Dr Rathi’s Rehab Center. Call now: +91-7804087788 or drop us an email at drpawanrathi@gmail.com