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- Internet Addiction
- Others Volatile Substances
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Do you play video games on the Internet in excess? Are you compulsively shopping online? Can’t physically stop checking Facebook? Is your excessive computer use interfering with your daily life – relationships, work, school? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from Internet Addition Disorder, also commonly referred to as compulsive Internet use (CIU), Problematic Internet Use (PIU), or disorder. Originally debated as a “real thing. The disorder has rapidly gained ground and has been given serious attention from many researchers, mental health counsellors, and doctors as a truly debilitating disorder. The widely variable difference in prevalence rates might be contributed to the fact that no true and standardized criteria has been selected for Internet Addiction Disorder. It is researched differently among scientists and mental health professionals. And, it is researched differently across ethnic cultures.