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Trauma or PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder) may be a psychiatric disorder that will occur in people that have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event like a natural disaster, a significant accident, terrorism, war/combat, or rape or who are threatened with death, sexual violence, or serious injury.
Avoidance may be a common reaction to trauma. It’s natural to avoid brooding about or feeling emotions in a few stressful events. But when avoidance is extreme, or when it is the main way you cope, it can interfere together with your emotional recovery and healing.
It’s normal to possess upsetting memories, feel jittery, or have trouble sleeping after a traumatic event. At first, it’s going to be hard to try to do normal daily activities, like attend work, attend school, or spend time with people you care about. But most people start to feel better after a couple of weeks or months.
Consult Dr Pawan Rathi for Trauma or PTSD treatment in Indore at Dr Rathi’s Rehab Center. Call now: +91-7804087788 or drop us an email at drpawanrathi@gmail.com